The Dashboard has been broken down into 3 sections to explain what each area is used for.

  • Item Data Filters
  • Key Performance Figures
  • Item Data Performance Table

Item Data Filters

If a field is left blank this will automatically choose all options available.

The search will only return up to 10000 lines of data. If your search exceeds the limit a notification will display. 


Choose from your set list of shops


Select specific or all vendors available.

Shop Group

Choose a group of selected shops


This can be used if a Tenant has multiple companies within Imagine.


This is to narrow down a category as required by only one level.  

NOTE: You can narrow down Hierarchy Levels further by using the Column Chooser.


Here you can input particular Dimensions of a product that were given at Item Creation.

Master Item Name

This is the Name given to the Item at creation.

Item Description

This can be used to narrow down descriptive information about a product such as Material type, weight, size, artist information, design notes etc.  

Item Barcode

This is used to as the item identifier when purchased or scanned.

Vendor Item Number

The Vendor number or code by which the master item is known or referenced by.

Master Item Number

This is the number or code by which the master item is known or referenced by.

Item Number

This is the number or code by which the master item is known or referenced by.

Item Status

Select between if an item is Active or Inactive.

Group by Columns

Group by Columns - This is used when grouping column Headers. For more information see Grouping Categories.

NOTE: If you press submit without selecting a number of columns you will receive a warning.

 This will fetch the data *if available.

Saves Report's, this will also save the format you have configured. 

To review past saved reports.

Key Performance Figures

These are static boxes of overall information from the data shown in the Item Performance Table.

Qty On-hand

This is the current quantity of items that you have in-store and available to sell.

Val On-Hand

This is the value amount of items.

Qty On-Order

This is how much you have on order or open POs.

Val On-Order

This is the monetary value amount of items on order calculated as the current shop weighted average cost * the current quantity on-order.

Qty In-Transit

This is the quantity of items stated as being shipped to in-store.

Val In-Transit

This is the monetary value amount of items being shipped to your store calculated as the current shop weighted average cost * the current quantity in-transit.

Qty Off-Line

This is the quantity of items marked as offline, that is items you have in-store but are not available to sell for a particular reason i.e. damaged or are unaccounted for.

Val Off-Line

This is the monetary value amount of items marked as offline calculated as the current shop weighted average cost * the current quantity off-line.

Item Data Performance Table

The table shows the data results for the information you have selected using the fields above, you can modify the way the information is displayed. 

Column Chooser -  This will bring up a list of options to add or remove columns.

Export All Data - This will export the data to an .xlxs file for use. There is no option to print directly from this page.