
The Expansion framework is configured via the Admin > Expansions Module. Typically your K3 representative will set these up if required.

Expansion Framework allows the configuration of third party extensions. 

Expansions allows third party extensions which are hosted outside of the Imagine platform to be called upon at defined times whilst a transaction is taking place within the imagine App.

They can add different types functionality outside of that currently supplied by Imagine.

The Expansion Framework is primarily available for Self Serve and Simple POS applications.

Typical Uses

An example of  an Expansion framework event is when a transaction is taking place but before payment is made.

During this event, a unique identifier will be sent to the third party API identifying the session and the basket.

Imagine will also open a window for the external services to interact with the user and await a completion message.

The third party application may perform custom actions such as collecting additional information from the user or interact directly with the Imagine basket object.

Expansions allow for additional functions that may not be relevant or accessible to the retailer. For example there may be a shop feature that requires K3 to set up and configure, but the retailer has the need to be able to enable or disable the feature independently.

Clean Cash - If this is enabled for the tenant and shop then you will be able to enable or disable Clean Cash here. See the Clean Cash notes about when it can be disabled temporarily.