To create a new Promotion click

A page will appear,  complete this with the relevant information. 

Promotion Settings

Name - The name for this promotion. This will appear on the receipt for your customers.

Promotion Code - An internal code you can use to assist with promotions in reports.

Promotion Trigger Barcode - This is an option to create a barcode to scan at the POS to activate a specific Promotion. Within Global Settings you can set a prefix.

Priority - Priority of which promotion is given to a product. If you chose a priority already in use then other promotions will be pushed down the priority list in preference to this promotion.

Item Bundles - the filter of products that go into the promotion. See Item Bundles for more details.

Shops - Select which Shop(s) the promotion applies to. By default all shops are included.

Customer Groups - Select which Customer Groups the promotion applies to. By default all customer groups are included.

Timing Settings

Start Date - The date the promotion is active from. This date is inclusive.

End Date - The date the promotion is made inactive. The end date is included as part of the date range.

Week Days - Select specific days of the week the promotion is active on.

Time Of Day - All Day - The promotion applies all day / Custom - Select a Start At and End At time for the promotion. You can select from the drop down or enter in your own time as HH:mm

Calculation Settings

Promotion Engine - The promotion type that is to be given to this promotion. Adding a rule under Calculation Settings allows you to choose a type of discount/promotion with the Promotion Engine. Each promotion type has its own settings see Promotion Engine Settings for more information.